Advanced AI tools such as Chat-GPT and DALL-E are revolutionizing the way we interact with machines. ChatGPT is a language model that can understand and generate human-like responses, while DALL-E is an image-generating AI that...
Different types of cyberattacks and data breaches are brought on by the expanding online infrastructure and data flows. Cybersecurity helps us secure our valuable data. As a result, there will be an increased need of...
When I decided to deactivate my LinkedIn account some time ago I first went through the privacy settings. There are so many grounds on which you can be tracked. So it made me wonder: am...
Digital tools are changing the way we learn. Lectures are delivered remotely, digital whiteboards are replacing the traditional chalkboard, BYOD (bring your own device) has entered the curriculum. Digital tools complement traditional learning as well...
Does a degree in engineering automatically make you future-proof? Especially in countries that pioneer in the technical field, like Germany. This question cannot be answered so clearly. And there are at least two reasons for...
Have you been wondering lately if IT specialists will soon be the only job-seekers in demand everywhere, while all other professions lose significance? Will jobs only be created in the technology sector? Must we therefore...
Digitalization includes moral dilemmas that we wouldn’t normally have without it. Making an ethical judgment is a decision-making process that involves collecting and evaluating information, considering and assessing the consequences of alternative choices. It is...